Kerberos Investments & Consulting LLC
Kerberos Investments I.K.E.

What we do

As a globally active company for green energy consulting, investment, and compliance, Kerberos Investments & Consulting LLC supports businesses around the world in transitioning to renewable energy and increasing their energy efficiency.

Our experience and expertise span many countries and continents, allowing Kerberos Investments & Consulting to offer our clients tailored solutions that meet local circumstances and regulations.

Our clients come from various industries and regions, from small and medium-sized enterprises to multinational corporations. We work closely with our clients to understand their individual needs and challenges and to develop customized solutions.

Kerberos Investments & Consulting LLC’s global network of experts enables us to access the latest trends and developments in the green energy industry around the world. We take pride in offering our clients innovative and sustainable solutions that help protect the environment while generating economic benefits.

Contact Kerberos Investments & Consulting to learn more about how we can help you build a greener energy future worldwide.


In addition, Kerberos Investments & Consulting has a global network of institutional investors, family offices, and banks specializing in sustainable investments.

Through our broad network, Kerberos Investments & Consulting can provide our clients with access to capital and financing opportunities to realize their green energy projects. We work closely with our clients to develop financing solutions that meet their individual needs and requirements.

Kerberos Investments & Consulting LLC’s experience and expertise in green energy investments have made us a trusted partner for our clients. We understand the challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable investments and can help our clients make informed investment decisions.

Our network of investors and banks is global and covers many countries and regions. We are proud to offer our clients access to the best sustainable investment opportunities to create a greener energy future around the world.

Get in touch with Kerberos Investments & Consulting to learn more about how we can help you gain access to our global investment network and finance your green energy projects. We look forward to hearing from you.


Would you like to learn more about how we can help make your project a success? Send us an email or give us a call and let's discuss your needs.

3833 Powerline Rd 
33309 Fort Lauderdale , FL

REG.-NO L23000165722

Phone: +1-754-289-8016
Fax:      +1-754-551-5798


46 Kefallinias & Patission Av.
11251 Athens / Greece

REG.-NO 177188809000
Tax REG.-NO 802482276
VAT.-NO 003030


Phone: +302111989720

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